Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happier and wiser at 50?

Happy Birthday Mr. President!

As he now is rounding the 50, President Obama should have reached a turning point for reduced stress, anger and worry, and increased happiness.  OK, maybe his job adds a little stress, worry and anger for a while longer, but at least that is the norm for "ordinary" Americans.

Photo by Maggie Smith/

According to an article in Slate, a recent study found that we reach an emotional turning point at 50, but without being able to pinpoint exactly why that is.  It seems however, that as we get older, we choose more wisely what we spend our time on, so not to waste any just to gain experience.  It also seem that we may loose some of the idealism we had as young, and get better at seeing others' point of view, and resolve issues rather than stick to our guns to get our own way.  Apparently we also adjust our expectations - I guess learning to appreciate what we have rather than always trying to gain more.

Whatever the reasons may be, turning 50 may not be so bad after all, but I won't rush to get there!  I have lots to experience and stress over before then!

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