Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our World

I have spent my morning looking at different news sites searching for something to be opinionated about today. There is just too much bad stuff going on, and too many sad stories. I don't feel like being sad, so instead, let's talk about how lucky we are to be born in the Western World!

Here in the good ol' USA, as a woman, I have all the choices I want.  Yes, I agree, the corporate world is still to a large extent ruled by the middle aged men, and women tend to have to work harder and show better results to move up the corporate ladder.  Nonetheless, the opportunities are all here.

Here I am free.  I make my own choices.  Nobody owns me - even with the horrific history of slavery, the idea of human beings as a commodity died with the end of slavery.  Not so in too many places still.  Every time I think of what women in the Middle East, certain parts of Asia and Africa has to endure, I count my blessings for being born in a Western country.

Even in today's world, countless girls and women in Africa are being mutilated so they will be "pure" resulting in lifelong pain. Girls are being attacked with acid - for getting an education.  Educated women in Iran, are being reduced to beggars if they lose their husbands, since they are not allowed to work.  Not to make this in to a man-bashing session, but who came up with all these idiotic ideas?  Oh yeah, men who are afraid they would lose their power if women were given equal, or any rights.

OK, now I feel like standing up on my soap box, so it is probably time to stop. To all the women in the Western World - count your blessings!  I hope that in my lifetime, we will see an uprising of the suppressed women of the world, and support from all the decent men who know what is happening today is wrong,  to ensure these women too can enjoy the freedom and choices that we have!

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