Thursday, September 15, 2011

Transformation To Fabulous

That's it. I am tired of being tired and having no energy, so I am on a quest to get back in shape!
Photo by Ambro/

I don't need to loose any weight; frankly I will probably end up gaining some, but that's OK.  I just need to increase my energy, get stronger (I checked, there are about zero visible muscles any more..), and put a few body parts back in place.  A little added flexibility wouldn't hurt either.

Today, I am putting together my work-out plan, getting an "accountability coach" (only because if I am only accountable to myself, this will be over oh so fast...), and getting started.

Visual goals are always good!

I want a butt like this,
...a back like this,        

...flexibility like this
Photo by Ambro/

but mostly, I want my lungs to go 
from this:                                                                                                                       to this:

Obviously someone will need to quit smoking too. Working on it, but starting with the workout program first.  I figure I'll get tired of not being able to breath pretty quickly.

OK, wish me luck!!

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