Monday, September 19, 2011

Obstacles On the Road to Fabulous

This getting in shape business is taking its toll.  Apparently I don't know my limits, nor am I very patient. I want results now, and figure no pain, no gain! However, by now every muscle in my body has gone on strike.
Photo by Simon Howden/

Yesterday I went to church without underwear.  Not because I wanted to, I just couldn't reach far enough to put any on (although I will admit it was quite liberating to feel the airflow under the dress...) I finally gave up and pulled a long, dark dress over my head, put on shoes I could just step into and headed for church. Hopefully God will forgive me.

Photo by Photostoc/
 Knowing my goals of getting in shape, my kids talked me into another boot-camp workout in the afternoon.  I figured it would help loosen up some muscles and agreed.  As I struggled my way through the workout, they cheered me on. That's right. They gave up on the work out after a few minutes, and sat down to cheer me on.  When my legs hurt so bad I could barely stand it anymore, they told me to keep going and not give up - "Don't stop! You can do it mom"! I think I saw some horns sticking out on their heads, but at that point I was quite delirious.  When I finally finished the workout and flopped down on the floor trying to regain my breath, they at least got me some water...

Today, I could barely get out of bed.  It reminded me of when I was pregnant and so big I couldn't maneuver my belly anywhere. My husband had to roll and push me onto the side of the bed.  Now, without anyone to help, I did the best squiggly roll I could manage, finally got the legs off the side of the bed and onto the floor.  Getting dressed wasn't an option, so after my son put my glasses on my face, I took the kids to school in my pajamas.  Thank goodness for tinted windows.
My legs were so stiff, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to move fast enough from the gas pedal to the brake, so I took it nice and slow on the highway.  I've seen quite the display of middle fingers this morning.  One even bothered to roll down his window and yell - like I could actually hear him through my tightly closed window...I just smiled and waved, but that seemed to just piss him off even more. What can I say? I tried. 

Today I'm supposed to go running.  3 miles....and if I can get out of the pajamas and in to clothes, I will give it my best try! 

This really old guy (as in should barely be alive old) comes running by here at 6 am every morning. It's more of a stomp than a run, as he moves about at a very, very slow pace (I'm certain  I can drink and smoke a cigarette at the same time and still walk twice as fast)  and I always think it's hilarious to watch. However, since I can barely lift my legs off the ground, I'm aiming for his speed today. Probably the stomp too.

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