Monday, June 20, 2011

Real Life Superheroes

Did you ever dream of becoming a superhero?  Well now you can!

According to Real Life Superheroes,  "the same values that make a hero today are the same in the late 1930s when the first comic book superheroes were being invented: trustworthiness, bravery, selflessness, and passion."  I guess if you have these qualities, all you need is a cool name and a costume to join them.

 This group of everyday, ordinary people, are apparently turning in to superheroes at night, "working to make the world a better place by doing civic activities, charity work, public safety patrols, hospital visits, school talks, distributing wanted and missing person fliers, helping the homeless, community clean-ups, and more. From crime fighting to charity work real life superheroes seek to help make a positive difference in their communities."

What makes them fun, is that they actually dress up as superheroes.  Like Phoenix Jones, who wears his costume under his street clothes in case he encounters crime, as he regularly patrols neighborhoods. And he is just one of many.

Is there a Superhero in you?  You can read more about the movement, what they do and how to join or support them here.

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