Saturday, April 16, 2011

Too Old for Parenting

Please tell me this is not true!  

Rumors has it that Zsa Zsa Gabor, at the age of 94 is planning to have another child via surrogate with husband number 9, Prince Frederic Von Anhalt, who is 67 years old. 

Seriously?  At 67, wouldn't Grandpa be a more fitting title that Daddy? And 94?!?  At 94 you are lucky to be alive, and even more so to still have working braincells.  Then again, if they actually go through with this, it's pretty clear she has completely lost her marbles...


Unknown said...

Is Zsa Zsa Gabor planning on breast feeding? Just wondering... Blind taste tests have proven babies prefer the taste of 7up over 94 year-old breast milk

sodacig said...

Look princess; not sure what fairy tale glue you been sniffing but in my opinion back to back sounds like a good time to me. They never saw each other; they were never in the same room together and most importantly the streams never crossed.

Ms. Pink said...

Sodacig, your comment makes no sense...

Anonymous said...

it was posted in the wrong section... sorry