Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Just Want to Sleep

Positive thinking can get you far, but constant lack of sleep takes a bigger toll than I thought possible.  

I'm not talking baby and toddler lack of sleep, where you are consistently woken up in the middle of the night, or  the wee hours of the morning.  That time is far gone, luckily. No, I'm talking the stressed out, mostly from thinking and over-thinking too many things and situations and staying up too think, dealing with kids and their homework and endless activities; not to mention their constant arguing over the stupidest things, bickering, unwillingness to do chores etc. etc. etc.  Where is Dr. Phil when you need him?  I don't need for them to agree on everything, but it could probably do us good to learn a polite way to say "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard" among favorite phrases around here...and I thought siblings were supposed to love and care for each other...
Photo by Michal Marcol/

Maybe I can't blame it all on the younger generation in the house, even though they do at times make me want to run away - or at least take a weekend trip to a secret, secluded location with no phone or internet connection and a fully loaded bar!! Sounds good doesn't it?  Sadly at this point, I think I would arrive, have one glass of wine and fall asleep for the rest of the weekend...I dream of sleep....mostly daydream, since I can't seem to get to bed on time, ever.  

Daylight savings time was great, but three hours after getting up, I wanted to take a nap again.  Apparently actually getting a full eight hours of sleep just made me want more.  Why are we like that?  You have a bit of chocolate, you crave more.  One drink often leads to another.   You cheat once, you are more likely to do it again...actually I have no idea if that is true, it just sounded good.  But why do we always want more?

There I am going off on tangents again. I am telling you,  staying focused on anything other than getting more sleep seems impossible right now. This is probably why you should have kids in your early twenties: so you actually have the energy to deal with the no sleep issue until they move out.  Missing a night's sleep at 22 was no big deal; today on the other hand, it takes me a week or two to catch up.  Maybe there is more to this age thing than I thought?

Well, here's to another good night sleep!  Hopefully that will get me back to my old self, and I'll be ready for one great week starting bright and early Monday morning!

Good night y'all!  

OMG - it is 7:23PM and I'm ready to go to bed....God do I feel old now!

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