Thursday, October 20, 2011

Transformation to Fabulous

Almost there...not really, but fabulous is right around the corner. There might not have been enough work out sessions, but I'm getting there, and so far the results are OK. If for nothing else, I am feeling better. Here's where we are so far:

 The perky butt on the left is what I want it to look obviously I have a little more work to do before reality on the right matches the goals, but getting there (can I blame it on the angle...?? I'm really not crooked, but it's hard to take pictures of your own backside...)

 Maybe a few more muscles on the top one, but hey, I think I'm doing good for 40+...

Can you see it?  The hidden six-pack?  Not yet?  It's coming!

On with the sneakers and out the door!  Fabulous pictures soon to come :-)

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