Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fun Facts About Sex

A few surprising, and some not so surprising facts about sex:

1. One in four men prefer to have the lights off during sex.  Guess they might be as insecure about their bodies as we are?  That, or we look better in the dark...

Photo by Marcus 74ID/freedigitalphotos.net

 2. The more you get, the more you want....on the other hand, 14 months, 9 days and 13 hours without, does not make you stop wanting it - in case you wondered.  Tested and proved.

3. The vibrator was originally created to cure neurosis in women, and successfully so.  Can't think of anything more calming than a quick orgasm.

Photo by freedigitalphoto.net
4. Many men are nervous about their penis being too small.  Most women; however, say that size doesn't matter.....nope, I have no comment on this one....

Photo by M_Bartosch/freedigitalphoto.net

5. A teaspoon of sperm has about 7 calories and is apparently rich in proteins.  It has also been claimed to be useful as an anti-wrinkle "cream".....and???  Does anyone seriously expect us to smear it in our faces? Think I'll stick with my cream - bought and prepackaged.

6. Sex is great cardio exercise. A good half hour will burn about 200 calories. So who needs the gym?

7. The most common place to have sex outside the house, is in the car.  Maybe I'm showing my age here, 'cause I can see a limo working fine, but otherwise, very intimate and contained quarters....probably a better choice than the hood of the car, though.

Photo by photostock/freedigitalphotos.net
8. During our lifetime, we kiss on average 20,160 minutes. That might sound like a lot, but if you got your first kiss at 13, and live to the average age of 80.7, that's not even a minute a day.  I think we need to increase this!  Yeah of course I do - I'm part of the group who is pulling down the average here...

9. Sex provides pain relief.  During an orgasm, endorphins are released that can relieve pain.  Headache is therefore not a good excuse to not have sex - quite opposite actually ... Yep, it's been a tough day...I could use some help here!

10. During one day, 100 million sexual acts occur around the world.  Again, that sounded so high, but really that's only 2.3 percent of people between the ages of 15 and 65.  So being part of the other 97.7 percent is not so bad....but now that I think about it, it may not be the same 2.3 percent every day....might be nice to be part of that group sometimes too...

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